


序號 系所
姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 期刊
1 教育系 李心儀 Research Status of Mathematical Problem Posing in Mathematics Education Journals International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education SSCI 109/09/  
2 幼教系 王珮玲 父母與其五歲子女談論過去情緒經驗用語的差異 教育心理學報 TSSCI 109/09/  
3 心諮系 游錦雲 「兒童五大人格特質量表」之信效度及測量不變性:探索性結構方程模式取向 測驗學刊 TSSCI 109/09/  
4 心諮系 黃宏宇 A Mixture IRTree Model for Performance Decline and Nonignorable Missing Data Educational and Psychological Measurement SSCI 109/09/  
序號 系所
姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 期刊
1 中語系 何永清 孟子的被動式考察 國文天地 AHCI 109/10/  
序號 系所
姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 期刊
1 物化系 李權倍 Flower-Like Nickel Selenide-Based Counter Electrode for Pt-Free Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells J. Power Sources scopus 109/09/  
2 物化系 李權倍 Highly Active Carbon-Based Electrocatalysts for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Brief Review Physics scopus 109/09/  
3 物化系 李權倍 Low-dimensional Nanostructures for electrochemical Energy Applications Physics scopus 109/09/  
4 資科系 賴阿福 翻轉教室模式下同儕教導對高職生電腦 軟體應用技能之學習態度及學習成就影響 課程與教學季刊 TSSCI 109/10/  
序號 系所  中心 姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 期刊性質 時間
1 球類系 謝麗娟 Practicing table tennis improves eye-hand visual response time in female, but not male,  college students. SAJRSPER SCIE 109/09/  
2 運科所 郭家驊 體育研究:有關「我們的知識有一半是不正確的」 大專體育學刊 TSSCI 109/09/  
3 運教所 薛名淳 A dose response relationship between accelerometer assessed daily steps and depressive symptoms in older adults: a two-year cohort study. Age and Ageing SCI 109/09/  
4 運教所 周建智 Can movement games enhance executive function in overweight children? A randomized controlled trial Journal of Teaching in Physical Education SSCI 109/09/  
5 運教所 周建智 Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Executive Function in Children With and Without Learning Disability: A Randomized Controlled Trial Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly SCI 109/09/  
6 運器所 劉強 Validity and Reliability of a Photoelectric Cells System for the Evaluation of Change of Direction and Lateral Jumping Abilities in Collegiate Basketball Athletes Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology scopus 109/09/  
7 競技所 Giancarlo Condello Minireview: Current status of endoscopic duodenal mucosal resurfacing Minireview: Current status of endoscopic duodenal mucosal resurfacing SCIE 109/09/  
8 運健系 劉述懿、陳宗與 運動與低氧環境對食慾及調節賀爾蒙之探討 中華體育季刊 TSSCI 109/09/  
9 球類系 張武業 國際足球積分影響因素分析 大專體育學刊 TSSCI 109/10/  
10 水上系 許瓊云 推廣女性運動 友善運動空間與環境 for Women 國民體育季刊   109/10/  
11 運器所 劉強 Acute Effects of Battle Rope Exercise on Performance, Blood Lactate Levels, Perceived Exertion and Muscle Soreness in Collegiate Basketball Players Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research SCI 109/10/  
12 運器所 劉強 High vibration frequency of soft tissue occurs during gait in power-trained athletes Journal of Sports Sciences SCI 109/10/  
13 競技所 王宏宗 Acute Effects of Self-Selected Music Intervention on Golf Performance and Anxiety Level in Collegiate Golfers: A Crossover Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCIE 109/10/  
14 運健系 陳永盛 Acute effects of self-selected music intervention on golf performance and anxiety level in collegiate golfers: A crossover study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 109/10/  
15 運健系 劉述懿 運動與低氧環境對食慾及調節賀爾蒙之探討 中華體育季刊 TSSCI 109/10/  
序號 系所
姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 期刊
1 城發系 邱英浩 Empirical Study of Urban Development Evaluation Indicators Based on the Urban Metabolism Concept Sustainability SCIE 109/09/  
2 城發系 陳姿伶 Exploring the changes in risk perceptions and adaptation behaviors based on various socioeconomic characteristics before and after earthquake disasters – a case study in Taiwan NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES SCI 109/09/  
3 城發系 邱英浩 文化創意產業與評估指標關聯性之分析 都市與計劃 TSSCI 109/09/  
4 城發系 邱英浩 以社會網絡分析法探討治理網絡的權力關係與互動模式-以基隆市兩案例為例、 都市與計劃 TSSCI 109/09/  
5 都經系 林明華 Global Optimization for Mixed–Discrete Structural Design Symmetry SCI 109/09/  
6 都經系 林育賢 Improving Green Market Orientation, Green Supply Chain Relationship Quality, and Green Absorptive Capacity to Enhance Green Competitive Advantage in the Green Supply Chain Sustainability SCIE 109/09/  
7 衛福系 王實之 The role of mindful parenting in the relationship of parent and child mental health in Taiwan Chinese China Journal of Social Work scopus 109/09/  
8 衛福系 林于凱 Effects of extreme temperatures, fine particles and ozone on hourly ambulance dispatches Science of the total environment SCI 109/10/